
Friday, September 7, 2012

Top 5 Things You Need for Your Goldfish Aquarium

Contrary to popular belief, goldfish don't have a three-second memory span. It's actually closer to 4 months, sometimes longer. In fact, goldfish can recognize their owners and can even be taught to perform tricks. Before you start training your fish, however, make sure that you provide them with a healthy environment – the ideal goldfish aquarium - where they will thrive.

In our heads, we’ve all had an image of keeping goldfish in a bowl. Nevertheless, goldfish are very active so they need a spacious habitat where they can get enough oxygen. A tank, therefore, is your best option. To help you choose the tank size, remember to provide at least 3 gallons for every one-inch goldfish. Make sure that you factor in how big the goldfish can grow when making your decision.

2. Filter
Goldfish are voracious eaters so they tend to produce a lot of waste. If the tank doesn't have a good filtration system, the waste will accumulate and will increase the ammonia levels in the water. A double filtration system is standard in most goldfish aquariums. This means that if you have a 20-gallon tank, the filter should be rated for a 40-gallon aquarium. Check the filter every now and then to make sure it is working properly.
3. Water
The water you will use in the goldfish aquarium should be clean and well oxygenated. Use water conditioner to remove the chlorine if you are going to use tap water. You must also check for ammonia and nitrate levels, which should both be zero. Clean the tank and partially change the water every two weeks but depending on the number of fish and the size of the tank, you might have to clean the aquarium and replace the water more frequently.

4. Plants
If you want to add plants, it is better to stick to artificial ones at first.  The goldfish will most likely eat and uproot living plants, which could lead to high ammonia levels. After a few weeks, you can start adding live plants. Choose hardy ones that will supply both oxygen and little amounts of food to the goldfish.

5. Decorations
Fish like having places where they can play and hide so it's a good idea to provide decorations in the goldfish aquarium. Just make sure that they are free from sharp edges so that the fish will not hurt themselves or damage their fins. Finally, before adding the fish to the tank run the filter for at least a few days to make sure everything is working well. This will allow you to make any adjustments so that the aquarium will be prepared for the arrival of your goldfish.

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