
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Caring for a Newborn Kangaroo

Kangaroos are the largest animals in the group of animals called marsupials. They are popular for their powerful hind legs that allow them to hop in speeds of 35 mph and as high as 25 feet in one leap. Whether you’re working in an animal facility or caring for a newborn kangaroo that you adopted, it would help to know the basic techniques in caring for one. They’re just like human babies that require and deserve ample love, care and attention. Here are some of the things that you need to do. 
First, make sure that the baby kangaroo is heated adequately. As you know, the pouch of the mother kangaroo is a very warm place that is suitable for a newborn kangaroo. Place the baby kangaroo in a room heated to 86 and 90 degrees F. This is the right temperature for its sleeping environment. You can use a heater or electric blanket for this purpose. It’s crucial though that you test the instrument first so as not to expose the newborn kangaroo to hazardous heating elements. Scalding can potentially kill the baby kangaroo. 
Next, store it inside a suitable pouch. If the mother is not present, this can be in the form of a container or bag. An electric blanket can be placed underneath. Pad the sleeping area with soft items like sheets and sweaters. They may not be able to replicate exactly the warmth and touch of a mother kangaroo’s pouch but at least, they’ll be a cozy and comfortable sleeping area for the baby marsupial. Just see to it that the items you put around it are not scented. You don’t want these things to cause allergies. It would also be a smart move to hang the bag or container above the floor. This is to help re-create the motion experienced as the mother moves while its baby stays inside the pouch. 

Now for the diet, be sure to feed with milk. What type of milk you’re going to feed the newborn kangaroo depends on its age. The wonderful thing about this day and age is that you can find and order online suitable milk replacements. Some milk replacements even come with soft mouthpiece or teat that can be used to feed the baby animal.  Take note that there are four milk grades for kangaroos. Be sure to get the suitable one for the age of the baby kangaroo you’re taking care of.

Before you feed the baby kangaroo with milk, see to it that you warm it first. Then check the temperature by dabbing a little on the inside of your wrist. Don’t feed the baby kangaroo with anything that feels too warm on your skin. Let the baby kangaroo stay inside its pouch while feeding to reduce stress. If it struggles and is difficult to feed, hold it gently but firmly into your body. Cup your hand under its chin and cover its eyes. This would calm down the baby kangaroo and make it easier for you to feed it. If there’s no milk replacer available, temporary substitute can be full cream evaporated milk or powdered milk at half strength. 

Caring for a baby kangaroo is not that easy. But with dedication, patience and knowledge, it will be thankful that you stood in for its mother the best way you possibly could.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Discovering Turtle Migration

Almost all sea turtles migrate medially in foraging and nesting surroundings, and at regular intervals to lukewarm waters.  What made this design or this process very amazing is that turtle migration takes them up to hundreds and even thousands of miles.  A human technology, the satellite telemetry, is used by scientists to hunt down the whereabouts of sea turtles and their behaviors upon crossing the entire ocean basins.  The Leatherback holds the record of sea turtles as they journey a surprising 10,000 miles or further annually in quest of jellyfish. You want to know exactly their whereabouts and how long those 10,000 miles is? That is crossing the whole Pacific Ocean from Asia, and then they rally to the West Coast of the United States, then finally to forage off the shores of Washington, Oregon, and California. Amazing, isn’t it?
Next to the Leatherbacks are the Loggerheads. They have a record of almost 8,000 miles. They originate in Japan but migrate to the wealthy waters of Baja, Mexico to forage and grow up and age.  Loggerheads wander back to Japan to reproduce and nest at the time that they have reached sexual maturity.

Let’s discuss another species, the Green Turtles. A great number of these turtles rest their eggs on the shores of a small island somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, the Ascension Island. Green turtles live beside the shore of Brazil; they prefer narrow waters with an abundance of sea grasses. However, the Ascension Island is around 2,000 miles from the coast of Brazil and is very challenging to arrive at because of the dominant equatorial current that flows from Ascension to the coast of Brazil. Counting this consideration, it would take 50 days for an adult to contest their way to Ascension Island and approximately 30 days to return.

Now you may ask: "What are the advantages of turtle migration?" One purpose of turtle migration is to save their species. For example, given that Ascension Island is a remote area, the Green turtles have a very great chance of staying away from predators. This means that a successful egg hatching percentage would be remarkably high. 

Turtles are likely to give labor and birth between two and seven times annually and subsequently rest for two to three years until finally their following laying period.These eggs hatch soon after an incubation period of 60 days, granting growth to another generation of turtles.

Going back to the Loggerheads and the Leatherbacks, seeing that they are an extreme migratory type, a very good question would be: How do any of these animals endure the lengthy turtle migration? The answer to it is very astonishing. Researcher Kenneth Lohmann, marine biologist at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill who is partly subsidized by the National Science Foundation led a team to study on the survival strategies of the Loggerheads. On the word of the team’s hottest findings, which were issued in two publications, loggerhead turtles are intuitive with a hereditary "magnetic map."

What does this mean? This means that young loggerheads react to a certain magnetic field adjoining northern Portugal by rotating south. With this, they can stay in warmer waters and dodge being brushed north into frosty waters near Great Britain and Scandinavia, where they would undoubtedly turn to ice.

Almost all sea turtles are considered to be a vulnerable species; vulnerable to extinction. The significance of the loggerhead turtle laying shores in many parts of the United States has been recognized without any doubt: they are a household to the second largest populace in the world, which upholds 35-40% of the world inhabitants of this species, making about 68,000-90,000 nests annually.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Stop Panda Population Decline

Many of us know the giant panda as the adorable black and white bear that has long been the advocacy symbol of the World Wide Fund (WWF) since 1961 or as the bubbly martial arts expert/noodle master in the blockbuster flick from Dream Works—Kung Fu Panda. 

But the issues surrounding this lovable creature are more serious than most people realize. The rarest species in the bear family, the giant panda is one of the most threatened animals in the world. Only about 1,600 species are left, a hundred of which live in captivity. 

How did this happen? What are the causes for panda population decline? 

Humans play a major role in this predicament. The number one cause of decrease in panda population is habitat loss. Pandas can be found in Southwest China, particularly in the eastern part of the Tibetan plateau. Much has changed in the panda’s habitat in the last three decades. 

For one, its living space has shrunk by more than 50 percent. Now, they barely have 5,000 square miles of forest to live in. Their habitats have been destroyed to be converted into agricultural lands and urban areas. 

It’s bad enough that they can only live in specific habitats because their diet, which is bamboo, can only grow at altitudes ranging from 1,640 to 10,170 feet. Both the food supply and habitat are crucial for the survival of pandas. 

Panda population decrease can also be blamed on hunters and poachers. People hunt and kill pandas to get their skin and sell this in the black market. A piece of panda skin can be sold for thousands of dollars. 

If you’re wondering why it is so expensive, it has to do with the old myth that talks about how sleeping on a panda skin will ward off ghosts and bequeath you with fortune telling powers. Those who are not superstitious buy the fur for its warmth and waterproof property. 

There are also natural reasons behind panda population decline. One problem is their slow breeding. Another is that a giant panda can only nurture one to three cubs at a time. Usually, only the strongest cub survives. The weaker ones starve and die eventually. 

Despite these problems, it’s good to know that efforts to conserve the giant panda have strengthened over the years. In fact, this species has become heavily protected in China. The government now imposes severe penalties for poaching and killing pandas such as 10-year imprisonment, life imprisonment, and even death penalty. 
There are also various groups that work to protect the pandas not only in China but also those in captivity in other parts of the world. WWF and Panda Trust are just some of these. These groups help pandas by increasing protected habitats, patrolling against poaching and illegal logging, and increasing awareness about panda conservation. 

Scientists are also working very hard to find solutions to prevent endangerment of panda such as searching for ways to grow bamboo faster, finding alternative source of energy other than bamboo forests, and changing developed areas into protected wildlife preserves. 

Now you don’t have to be a scientist, a government official or an environmental group leader to help conserve pandas. There are many things that ordinary people can do to contribute in this endeavor. One is to never buy products made of panda. Two is to support panda conservation programs. Three is to help spread the word about pandas and their vulnerable condition. Four is to report to authorities any crime against pandas (abuse, poaching, illegal logging, and so on). 

We do not know how long pandas can survive in our planet. But with joint cause and commitment, we can definitely lengthen their stay much more.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Discover the Truth behind Chimpanzee Strength

In the movie Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011), we see how a chimpanzee with superior intelligence leads a fierce group of apes to take over the city. It’s common knowledge that monkeys are some of the smartest species in the animal kingdom and the movie can make you wonder if something similar to this is ever possible to happen. Now if there’s one thing we are sure about, it has to be chimpanzee strength, which is many more times the strength of humans.  

Dr. Jane Goodall, a famous primatologist, said in an interview with Discover Magazine that there was an incident involving her and a chimpanzee that made her conclude that the chimpanzee strength is eight times her own strength. Take note that Dr. Goodall has a slender body frame. 

To compare with an average man, a chimpanzee is three to five times stronger. It’s hard to determine though if a chimpanzee is capable of winning a tug of war against the world’s strongest man. The general conclusion among experts is this: the chimpanzee is twice stronger than some people and eight times stronger than others. 

Why are chimpanzees strong?

Chimpanzee strength can be accounted to numerous factors such as body structure, muscular build, semi-arboreal lifestyle, genetics, and the interaction between the chimpanzee’s nervous system and musculature system. According to Dr. John Hawks, an Anthropology Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin, the combination of genetics and skeletal muscle structure of the chimpanzee is one significant part of chimpanzee strength. 

For one, the chimpanzees’ muscle fibers are much longer than those of man, giving them the ability to produce twice more work output over a wider range of motion. Dr. Hawks also explained that some genes influencing muscle development are not present anymore in humans but can still be found in the chimpanzees.

Dr. Ann MacLamon, a primatologist, did a research that found that the chimpanzee’s motor neurons in the spinal cord responsible for muscle function control are more prevalent than in humans. This phenomenon gives the chimpanzees easier access to greater muscle power, enabling them to use a lot more of their potential strength. 

Is chimpanzee strength a danger to man?

In February 2009, a chimpanzee attacked and seriously injured a woman. If the chimpanzee escaped from the wild, this would not have been a big shock. But in this scenario, the chimpanzee named Travis was actually a pet who has been trained by his owner for 14 years. In fact, he has been taught to wear clothes, drink wine and even interact with people in the neighborhood. The attack prompted a police officer to shoot and kill him before he could do the same to his victim. 
Dr. Franz de Waal, a biologist at the Yerkes National Primate Research Center in Atlanta, confirmed that this was no big surprise. This is normal behavior from an adult chimpanzee that would be useful in the wild, but is definitely hazardous in a human household. Dr. Waal described Travis as a “time bomb” waiting to burst any minute. The chimpanzee’s innate biological behavior and great strength make it unsuitable as pet.

Both Dr. Goodall and Dr. Waal said that chimpanzees attack not because of any negative emotion. Attacking is an instinct that allows them to determine how stronger they are than the competition. In captivity, competition is directed against human beings, as there are no other chimpanzees around. And while they do not know exactly their strength, they can easily discover that they are stronger than humans.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Best Dog Food Guide: Protein for Dogs

Let us begin by deleting the misconceptions in protein for dogs. As a responsible pet owner, you must know the things you have to give to your dog in order for your dog to thrive and not just survive. This means that you have to know whether protein for dogs is a good thing or not. But I will tell you this, as early as now: Every dog needs it, it is good for them, and it is not harmless. I’ll explain later. Aged research built on experiments in rats concluded that excessive protein intake brings about kidney damage. However, this is to true in healthy dogs.

“Can I feed my dog with too much protein?” The answer is yes. At the time that your dog eats too much protein, some of it will either be excreted in the urine or will be utilized as calories or converted and stored as fat - causing your dog no damage. However, if your dog has kidney damage, you may reduce the amount of protein and give your dog with those proteins that has high biologic value. In this way, the kidney’s effort in excreting excess protein is condensed thus helping the kidney to quickly heal.
Dogs will find it hard to survive if there will be no protein in their diets. In understanding protein for dogs, you must also know this: Nutritive protein contains 10 particular amino acids that dogs cannot create on their own. They are what we all know as essential amino acids, and they deliver the building blocks for numerous significant biologically active compounds and proteins. They also provide the carbon chains required to create glucose for energy. First-class proteins contain an excellent balance of all of the essential amino acids.

Do you know another amazing thing about our dogs? According to studies, dogs can tell when their food is deficient of even a single amino acid and will dodge such a meal. It is not yet known why dogs are known to selectively choose foods that are rich in protein. 

Let us now know the daily recommended allowances for protein for dogs. Puppies weighing 12 lb, 33 lb at maturity, is at 56 grams of crude protein. Adult dogs weighing 33 lb is 25 grams of crude protein. Also, pregnant/nursing dogs weighing 33lb with 6 puppies is at 69 grams/158 grams.

As you can see, puppies need a higher percentage of protein than adults because they need it for their growing bodies. The best diet plan for your puppy is one that incorporates 22 to 28 percent protein. On the other hand, diet plan for adult dogs should comprise of 10 to 18 percent protein. If you have a working dog or sled dogs, you ought to understand that they will need a higher percentage of protein – more than adult home pet dog because of the stress on their muscles. Give a 25 percent for your working herd dogs and up to 35 percent protein for your racing and sled dogs. Lastly, a pregnant and nursing dog will also need a great amount of protein not for themselves but for their growing puppies. Usually, veterinarians will recommend nourishing a mother dog with a puppy food until weaning.

Finally, and for sure you will be asking this: Is meat meal good for my dog? The answer is yes, absolutely. It is a valuable source of concentrated protein thus it is nutritionally superb for your dog. However, it cannot contain blood or hair or any additional in essential constituents. Furthermore, no greater than 11 percent of the crude protein in the meal can be elements that the dog cannot process or break down. 

Friday, July 6, 2012

What are the Pros and Cons of Rabbit Neutering?

Rabbit neutering refers to the surgical procedure of removing the reproductive organs of a male rabbit. Before you scream foul or cruel, it’s important to understand that it is not a form of abuse. It is performed to prevent over reproduction as well as some health problems. It can also contribute to harmonious relationships among bunnies. 

  • Prevention of population boom – The most common reason for having rabbits neutered is to prevent over reproduction. This is especially true for households that have both male and female rabbits living together. Remember, there are already many rabbits in the world that are abandoned and neglected. It’s not a good idea to breed more if you’re not a responsible pet owner who can handle the duties of owning more rabbits.
  • Prevention of health problems – Uterine cancer is the most gripping reason to spay a female rabbit. It is well documented that uterine adenocarcinoma, a type of malignant uterine cancer, affects about 80 percent of female rabbits due to their genetic makeup. Surgery is done as a form of cancer prevention. Other uterine diseases that can be prevented through spaying include pyometra (pus-filled uterine infection), uterine aneurism (uterus filled with blood) and endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining). For male rabbits, neutering can prevent testicular disease, which although isn’t as common as uterine disease in females, can still occur.
  • Prevention of aggression – Sexually mature rabbits display aggressive behavior. Not only do they hate being touched, they also attempt to destroy whatever they can get their teeth on. This is an instinctual behavior that enables them to protect themselves and establish dominance and territory. Rabbit neutering can tame the aggressive behavior when they reach stage of sexual maturity.
  • Prevention of urine spraying – Rabbits, whether male or female, mark their territories by spraying urine. Males engage in this activity 10 times more than females. Since the smell of a rabbit’s urine can be repulsive to humans, it would help to neuter the rabbit to discontinue the behavior.

  • Irreversibility of the procedure – Once you have your rabbit neutered, there’s no turning back. If you decide in the future that you want to breed more rabbits, it’s not possible to reverse the surgical procedure of removing the rabbit’s reproductive organs.
  • Risks involved in the operation – Veterinarians assure pet owners that rabbit neutering only has minimal risks. But minimal risk doesn’t mean zero risk. The procedure can possibly bring unexpected complications. There are times when rabbits die after or while being neutered.
  • Expensive cost – Especially if you’re on a tight budget, you’ll find that the amount of castrating a male rabbit and spaying a female rabbit can be a little difficult on the pockets. The amount for this procedure ranges from $94 to $100 for male rabbits and $120 to $140 for females. 
The decision whether to neuter your pet rabbit or not is up to you. Weigh the pros and cons very carefully to make an informed choice. Also, if you decide to go for it, it’s a must to learn all the rudiments of pre-operative and post-surgical care. You want to enjoy the benefits of rabbit neutering without risking the life of your beloved pet rabbit. Finally, keep in mind that that best time to neuter either a male or female rabbit is before or after sexual maturity.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tricks for Dogs, Anyone?

No doubt, dogs are indeed man’s best friend. Throughout history, dogs have made it to the growing family of most homes. Further, they have exhibited extraordinary love and extreme loyalty, enough to earn the love and care of human beings.

But loyalty is not the only characteristic that catapulted them to their stature today. One trait that people love from our canine friends is their ability to learn tricks when subjected to consecutive and proper training. From playing fetch to obedience drills, various tricks for dogs are one bonding time for dogs and their owners. 

While dogs are not the most intelligent specie in the whole Kingdom of Animalia, dogs are special because they love to learn new and interesting things. They are curious and they tend to associate learning as a fun thing. As social animals, it is their way to connect with other animals or to their owners. Most of the time, routine activities allow them to learn a couple of concepts such as obedience and simple actions. While the eagerness to learn is there, tricks teach them how to learn things systematically. 

Aside from obedience, a lot of tricks for dogs make them mentally and physically active. For instance, memorizing actions and activities exercise their brains while having fun. It keeps them alert and stimulated at all times.

The key to effective teaching of tricks for dogs is making it fun and exciting for them. Usually, an effective reward system must be imposed. In psychology, this is called Positive Reinforcement. In this way, the dog recognizes the benefit of learning trick as well as obeying his or her master. Aside from food treats, common rewards are praises which are in the form of patting and hugging.

Also, avoid stressing your dog with tall orders. Understand that not all dogs are obedient and not all are comfortable with the process and devices of learning. Most of the time, dogs are not the only ones who need to be very patient, masters too. Experts advise that owners train dogs only for short minutes.

You should avoid boring routines. Start from simple ones and then gradually ascend the difficulty level of the tricks. Furthermore, selected routines or tricks should reflect only one skill at a time. This is to avoid confusion and mixing of complicated concepts. Also, dogs can also be frustrated when faced with a skill that is impossible to learn at a given small range of time. 
It is also important to take in to consideration the characteristic of your dogs. Like humans, our canine friends also have different personalities depending on their breed and the way they were reared. Some are stubborn, and others are playful and active. Activities and tricks should match their characteristics so that they can achieve their full potential.

On the other hand, trainers should also assess their personality as a pet owner. Dogs are pack-oriented animals. Meaning, they tend to see everyone as dominant or submissive to them. As owners and trainers, you should make it a point that you assume the dominant role in the equation.

Truly, there are myriad of benefits tricks for dogs can bring to your relationship as owner and pet. Further, it allows the creation of a two-way relationship not like those which resembles slave and master.