
Friday, July 6, 2012

What are the Pros and Cons of Rabbit Neutering?

Rabbit neutering refers to the surgical procedure of removing the reproductive organs of a male rabbit. Before you scream foul or cruel, it’s important to understand that it is not a form of abuse. It is performed to prevent over reproduction as well as some health problems. It can also contribute to harmonious relationships among bunnies. 

  • Prevention of population boom – The most common reason for having rabbits neutered is to prevent over reproduction. This is especially true for households that have both male and female rabbits living together. Remember, there are already many rabbits in the world that are abandoned and neglected. It’s not a good idea to breed more if you’re not a responsible pet owner who can handle the duties of owning more rabbits.
  • Prevention of health problems – Uterine cancer is the most gripping reason to spay a female rabbit. It is well documented that uterine adenocarcinoma, a type of malignant uterine cancer, affects about 80 percent of female rabbits due to their genetic makeup. Surgery is done as a form of cancer prevention. Other uterine diseases that can be prevented through spaying include pyometra (pus-filled uterine infection), uterine aneurism (uterus filled with blood) and endometritis (inflammation of the uterine lining). For male rabbits, neutering can prevent testicular disease, which although isn’t as common as uterine disease in females, can still occur.
  • Prevention of aggression – Sexually mature rabbits display aggressive behavior. Not only do they hate being touched, they also attempt to destroy whatever they can get their teeth on. This is an instinctual behavior that enables them to protect themselves and establish dominance and territory. Rabbit neutering can tame the aggressive behavior when they reach stage of sexual maturity.
  • Prevention of urine spraying – Rabbits, whether male or female, mark their territories by spraying urine. Males engage in this activity 10 times more than females. Since the smell of a rabbit’s urine can be repulsive to humans, it would help to neuter the rabbit to discontinue the behavior.

  • Irreversibility of the procedure – Once you have your rabbit neutered, there’s no turning back. If you decide in the future that you want to breed more rabbits, it’s not possible to reverse the surgical procedure of removing the rabbit’s reproductive organs.
  • Risks involved in the operation – Veterinarians assure pet owners that rabbit neutering only has minimal risks. But minimal risk doesn’t mean zero risk. The procedure can possibly bring unexpected complications. There are times when rabbits die after or while being neutered.
  • Expensive cost – Especially if you’re on a tight budget, you’ll find that the amount of castrating a male rabbit and spaying a female rabbit can be a little difficult on the pockets. The amount for this procedure ranges from $94 to $100 for male rabbits and $120 to $140 for females. 
The decision whether to neuter your pet rabbit or not is up to you. Weigh the pros and cons very carefully to make an informed choice. Also, if you decide to go for it, it’s a must to learn all the rudiments of pre-operative and post-surgical care. You want to enjoy the benefits of rabbit neutering without risking the life of your beloved pet rabbit. Finally, keep in mind that that best time to neuter either a male or female rabbit is before or after sexual maturity.

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