
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Importance of Wild Bird Rescue Projects

Wild bird rescue activities play very important roles in the preservation of Mother Earth. This is essential especially nowadays, those wild animals, such as wild birds, are slowly disappearing in its natural habitat. Most of these animals are either being illegally hunted by men or have gone fading due to abnormal changes in their natural habitats. These abnormal changes are brought upon by climate change.

In fact, there are many environmental groups nowadays that are fighting for the protection of wild birds. Their cause has reached different areas across the world. This just shows that people are now getting more conscious on the importance of wild birds. Plus, it is important to preserve its natural habitats. There were cases before wherein wild birds in a certain part of Asia suddenly had its population decrease. This was because a part of its wild-forest was converted into a mountain resort.

The Importance of Keeping Wild Birds

The following are some of the salient points why wild bird rescue programs and activities are needed nowadays:

- First, wild birds are now endangered. Whatever part of the world, the population of wild birds is deteriorating. This is a wake-up call for everybody especially the concerned stakeholders and agencies. It is in this situation that wild birds, which are being held captive with private owners, should be set free.

- Wild birds in the forests and other wildlife fauna are needed in order to maintain the equilibrium of the environment. These wild birds also play important roles in the food chain cycle. Without their presence, there will be an abnormal flow of the cycle.

- Wild birds are nature’s gifts.  It is nice to know if our forests are being habituated by all different kinds of wild birds. Existing wild bird rescue projects of some private groups construed this claim. Wild birds, which were illegally held captive, were set free to the forests and joined its kind there. Seeing the blooming growth of their population has always been a refreshing to the eyes and feeling of the person who has witnessed this.
- Wild birds should be set free to the wilds for its specie to propagate further. Their propagation is so important because wild birds are now endangered. If they are free to fly out in the open and be with their kind, it is most likely that their population will keep on growing.

In order for our wild birds to increase its population and preserve its kind, these basic steps can be heeded:

Strict international environmental laws.

The presence of international laws relating to environmental protection should not be left alone in papers. These laws should be properly implemented also. Any person or group that violates such laws should be punished accordingly. Doing this strict implementation will serve as a warning for people who are doing and are planning to get into this illegal activity of hunting forest animals such as the wild birds.

More wild bird rescue projects.

Although there are already existing projects that promote on the rescue and preservation of wild birds, still it is not sufficient. There should be a joint effort among all stakeholders and the government in pursuing projects such as this.


Above everything else, it is very important that all concerned agencies and individuals are sincere in pursing projects such as this. If there is sincerity, the survival of the projects will last long.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Life Expectancy of Cats: How Long Do These Felines Live?

Domestic cats have been part in one’s household for the longest time. These small, adorable domestic pets belong to the Felidae family. Cats are known for their distinct sense of hearing and keen night vision, said to be one of the best in the world. With muscular supple body and retractable claws, cats are also said to be very keen observant with excellent memory and can easily learn through experience. The average life expectancy of cats depends upon whether the cat is an outdoor cat or an indoor cat.

Back in decades, about twenty years ago, cats can live just four to six years on the average. However, with the introduction of better and more advanced veterinary care at present, the cat’s life expectancy has gradually increased to a considerable fifteen years, or even more.

To increase your domestic cat’s life expectancy, always consider their diet. Feeding the right pet food, along with practicing a proper lifestyle, play very crucial roles towards achieving a longer cat life. But keep in mind that over-feeding your pet felines is not healthy. In fact, doing so can gradually lower their chances of achieving a healthy and long life.

Another factor that can help increase the life expectancy of cats is their genetic make up. There are actually certain types of cat breeds genetically at risk of particular health problems and diseases, thus giving them lower life spans. On the other hand, mixed breed cats such as the mouser or the moggie have longer life expectancy because of their mix genetic make up, as compared with the other pure breed cats.

Cats that are mostly kept indoors also tend to achieve longer life and can live up to fifteen long years. Why? Because they are not at risk to accidents nor poisoning, neither are they susceptible to attacks from other animals like dogs, cats, among others. Moreover, cats that generally live indoors do not easily yield in to infectious feline diseases because they are less exposed to other felines, thus giving them chances to live for over twenty years.
Play time and regular exercise are also factors that help increase the life expectancy of cats. Older cats must be given ample but gentle time of playtime and exercise to keep them healthy and agile. Remember that just like humans, old cats need more attention and care especially with regard to their health. It is also a good practice to take your feline friends to a regular visit to the veterinarian to help prevent certain diseases and keep your pet fit and healthy.

Most common diseases that affect the cat’s life include the CRF or chronic renal failure, kidney diseases, and diabetes. Chronic renal failure is actually a very common health problem among old cats. The cat’s health is greatly affected once the renal failure sets in. Kidney diseases in cats are those in which the cat’s system can no longer clear all its toxic waste from the blood. As with cat diabetes, this can be corrected with proper diabetes management provided that the disease has been earlier detected.

In general, it is safe to say that the life expectancy of cats is between 15 and 21 years. And to achieve this, give your cats a proper diet and exercise and show them love every day.

Monday, June 18, 2012

All You Need to Know about Vegetables for Dogs

Dogs have always been close to people’s hearts. That’s why it’s important that every dog owner should understand their furry friend’s required diet. Although dogs are often associated with meat diets, they are actually omnivores. As a matter of fact, recent studies suggest that vegetables for dogs provide a lot of benefit. These foods bring in fiber which is good for digestion. Other researches also claim that regular intake of high-quality vegetables also prevent certain diseases in dogs.

On a general perspective, 20% of a normal dog’s diet should be composed of vegetables. The serving would increase and decrease according to the weight and nutritional needs of your pet. Oftentimes, dogs with obesity or symptoms thereof are prescribed higher servings of vegetables.

While some would argue that it’s hard to make pets eat vegetables, there are ways to get around such a problem. For one, you can pureĆ© cooked vegetables so you could easily incorporate it with your dog’s food. There are also preserved vegetables that you can get from any dog supplies shops. Serving vegetables for dogs is like encouraging a toddler to eat greens.

You need to introduce it little by little. Add variety so your dog wouldn’t get bored with the meals. Also, don’t pressure your pet in eating the veggies. You don’t want your dog to associate veggies with drama.

Here’s a helpful guide in serving vegetables for your dogs.

Know what not to give.
Not all veggies are good for your dog. Some contain toxins that could build up in your dog’s body. The key here is to understand which vegetables are bad for your pet. With this, it’ll be a lot easier to pick vegetables. Some of the vegetables that aren’t advisable for dog consumption include avocado, onions, garlic, wild mushrooms, tomatoes, and macadamia nuts. Aside from certain vegetables, make an effort to know which foods are poisonous for your pet.
Stick with the tried-and-tested.
A lot of dog owners have already considered giving vegetables for their pet. You might want to follow their path by sticking to the basics. What are the popular vegetables for dogs? Broccoli, carrots, Brussels sprouts, zucchini, spinach, celery, asparagus, sweet potatoes, green beans peas, and squash make up the long list. Always go for organic vegetables as they are obviously safer. The chemicals in some produce could be harmful to your pets.

Serve them fully-cooked.
Dogs have shorter digestive tracts needed for digesting certain kinds of food. And contrary to popular belief, some vegetables are actually harder to digest. You need to aid your dog by serving vegetables that are fully-cooked. You can also steam the vegetables so that their natural nutrients would remain intact.

Get the advice of a trusted veterinarian.
You can also hit the right nails during the first try by consulting with a trusted veterinarian. These professionals can assess the specific nutritional needs of your dog. Also, they can advise you on what not and what to give your trusted pal. Having regular check-ups also gives your pet the advantage of preventing any diseases.

It’s painful to correct the diet of your dogs. However, the benefits of such efforts would surely be worth all the trouble. In the long run, a healthy, complete diet would help them ward off serious diseases. Naturally, vegetables for dogs guarantee a happy and good life for your loved pet.