
Monday, August 20, 2012

Save the World: End Whale Hunting

Humans have been hunting whales for more than 8,000 years. Traditionally, people hunted whales for subsistence and for the preservation of cultural practices. Inhabitants of the northernmost coasts of the Pacific Ocean relied on whale hunting as their main source of sustenance in the cold, harsh environment they lived in. Most of them used nets and spears to catch the whales that came close to shore. 

With the passage of time, the commercial demand for whale products increased. People started hunting whales on a larger scale, using whaling ships and harpoons to catch these gentle giants. Whales are generally hunted for their: 

Whale meat has been the major food source of many Inuit tribes. It has also been eaten as a delicacy in countries, such as Norway, Japan, and Iceland. 

Before it was replaced with kerosene, whale oil has been used in lamps. However, some people still use the oil despite the availability of synthetic fuels. In addition, whale oil has also been utilized in cooking, especially in gelatine and margarine and as an ingredient in make-up.

Whale bones have been used for decoration and as a substitute for ivory. Some has also used it as building material.

Environmental Impact
To address the increasing negative effects of whale hunting and its impact on the environment, the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling established the International Whaling Commission in 1946. 
The main goal of the IWC is to protect the whale population and to make sure that the development of the whale industry is in accordance with the organization’s guidelines. The IWC is also tasked to examine and make the necessary adjustments to the standards that govern whale hunting around the world.

Why do whales need protection? Aside from hunting threats, whales already contend with other dangers such as ship collision, entrapment in nets intended for other fish, noise and environment pollution, and global warming. Because whales mature slowly, killing them will affect not only this generation but also those to come. 

Whales may be bigger than humans but it’s mankind that they need most protection from. Let us do our best to defend and respect these creatures for they have as much right to live in this world as we do.

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