
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Understanding More About Dog Eyesight

Unlike that of humans, dog eyesight is built in ways that make canines easily focus on their prey, thus resulting to quicker motion. A lot of dog owners actually have the misconception that their pet dogs are totally color blind. But contrary to beliefs, dogs can actually see colors and they have in fact excellent night vision. Although a dog’s sense of smell and hearing is more useful, their eyesight plays a crucial role in the totality of a dog’s performance. To further understand the biological make up of your canine’s eyes, below are some helpful facts. 

From a Biological Perspective, dog’s eyes are generally similar to that of humans. The eyes have its retinal cover all around the eyeballs and are comprised of two kinds of light sensitive cells: the rods and cones. How they perceive colors and the details of their vision is controlled by the cones. During night time, their eyesight is usually controlled by the eyes’ rods, thus allowing dogs to detect motion. Because rods are highly concentrated in dogs than the cones, this allows the dogs to clearly detect motion. Its low cone concentration is perhaps the reason why myths about dogs being colorblind have become very popular over the years. 

Professional animal handlers, as well as veterinarians attest to the fact that dogs can actually see colors just similar with how a colorblind human would see. Color blind people generally are not color blind, rather they only have trichromatic or dichromatic vision. In the same way, dogs cannot distinguish specific colors like the greens and the reds. A dog’s eyes vary depending on their breed but generally, the eye angles are somewhere around twenty degrees. The position actually is ideal as it helps the dogs increase their peripheral vision, thus achieving better field of view. 

Despite the fact that the peripheral dog eyesight allows them to achieve wider fields of vision, it unfortunately disrupts the dog’s binocular vision. With that, it results to less visual acuity- disabling them from seeing things from far off. 

If you think your pet dogs have eyesight problems, it’s about the best time to have a trip to your veterinarian. Running eyesight tests for your pet dogs are very crucial in diagnosing the problems. So the moment you notice your beloved dogs rubbing their eyes on the ground too often, or they try to avoid from light, no doubt your dogs have eyesight problems. Symptoms include bulging eyes, cloudiness, dog eye discharge, eye redness, and excessive tearing. All these are tell tale signs that your dogs potentially have eye problems. 

Veterinarians will recommend specific eye tests depending on the symptoms. For example, if your dogs have dry eyes, the veterinarian may do a tear duct test. The doctor will check for the dog’s natural eye moisture by carefully inserting a strip of paper in the canine’s eyes. If you notice your dogs having eyesight problems, take your pet to your veterinarian immediately. Also, these problems can be avoided by regularly cleaning your dog’s eyes. You may also insert artificial tears in their eyes to removing dust, hair, and other obstructive particles. 

A dog eyesight is just as important as their sense of smell and hearing. To keep your dogs healthy and problem-free all the time, make sure you do regular eye check-ups.  

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