
Monday, February 27, 2012

Things You Should Know For a Responsible Hamster Breeding

At the time when sexually maturity is normally reached, female hamsters will quickly come into “season” or “heat” which is called Estrous. Hamsters enter estrous every nearly four days. You may observe that your female hamster will get firm,spearing her tail up and additionally spreading her legs as soon as you stroke her back. Estrous typically can last from 10 to 12 hours.

During hamster breeding, the female really should be placed in a male’s cage. If mating fails to occur in 5 to 10 minutes or there is always aggression, take the female right out of the cage. You may continue on this for four days every night during the hamster’s Estrous.

Check into your hamster on a regular basis, after about 10-15 days you will observe that she has become much fatter. You might notice the gravid mother acting much more exhausted, not running about the exercise wheel just as much. Pregnant hamster might show more hostility through their pregnancy.

Female hamsters will require extra food through the pregnancy. High protein foods such as tofu, boiled egg, and wheat germ need to be added to the dietary plan. Try your very best not to disturb the mother hamster a couple of days before her anticipated birthing date in order to find a quiet place on her behalf to stay in those times.

The female will quickly seem restless before having a baby. You will notice this period in hamster breeding when the female displays signs of severe nest building. Usually females give birth throughout the evening or night or morning hours. Each pup comes into the world at 10-15 minutes intervals. During these intervals the feminine will either clean her nest or perhaps sleep. Usually, the activity will take up to two hours.

Permit the mother to breastfeed the babies until they can be about three weeks old. Try not to be able to disturb the nest during this period as she should turn on the babies and eat them.

Attempts to transform the bedding stuff would increase the possibilities of cannibalism so you ought to just let this cage be.

The nest shouldn't be disturbed or cleaned at this point of hamster breeding. And the babies ought not to be touched. In the case they're touched, the mother will in all probability reject them.

The First Week: First born pups are light red and hairless plus their eyes are closed shut. You are going to hear squeaking sounds as they quite simply nurse and speak to their mother. A few days their skin will build up a dark undertone depending on baby’s color. Through six to 10 days the pup’s hearing cannels have opened up, the body offers short fur (fuzz) more than it. The pups are beginning to wonder from the nest and are beginning too much on decent food. 

The Second and Third Week: The color of each baby is starting to show through and also the eyes are beginning to open or tend to be open. The pups are actually starting to wonder farther in the nest. Besides eating solid foods they're now also beginning to drink their very first sips of water and may now take small treats for example small apple pieces.

Sixteen to twenty-one days: A hamster teeth will be fully developed and they are generally now eating extra solid food resulting in their growth amount to heighten. They now will be tiny hamsters at about want you to one half inch long. Fresh water might now be provided for those pups consistently.

A Month Old: The hamsters have reached sexual maturity and really should be separated into separate male as well as female cages. At this age, they can be perfect for hamster breeding already. Syrians ought to be separated into various cages. If it’s the dwarf breed, the females might be placed in an organization and same using the males in individual sex cages.

Time for a new home: The perfect times to market your hamsters are between thirty-five days to 3 months old. They are actually fully weaned as well as independent.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Deadly Snake Fangs: Understanding How it Works?

Do you know that snakes can open their mouth up to 150 degrees? This explains how they can swallow their prey, which is sometimes bigger than their size, in one piece. Armed with their toxic venom and sharp fangs, these champion biters are often feared by people. Some kind of snakes is even more dangerous than the others. For instance the splitting cobra, it is known to spit its venom to as far as six feet away.

There are actually poisonous and non-poisonous snakes but you can identify the poisonous breed because of their fangs.  They have four snake fangs on top in which the two are positioned in front and the other two on the rear side of the mouth and there are two more at the bottom.

One of the main characteristic of snake fangs is sharpness. Surprisingly, this animal is known to have more teeth than any other mammals. It depends on the kind of snake but it has over 200 teeth lined in two rows, up and bottom of its mouth. Their teeth are not for the purpose of chewing. In reality, it cannot chew because it is pointing backward making it difficult to use for chewing. Its main purpose is to hold the prey into their mouth.

Also, the snake has hallowed teeth allowing the venom to flow inside and disperse once the prey is bitten. The teeth are actually connected to a small sac located in the snake head. The sac is the source of the venom. The moment the snake bites, the venom flows immediately to the wounds of the prey causing the prey to be incapacitated.

Some snakes simply bite then release the prey. This happens if the prey is big. Releasing the prey will avoid them to be hurt as the victim struggles to live. While others, they bite and hang their sharp teeth to their prey until it dies.

Sometimes snake fangs get broken too specially if they hunt big victims but it is easily replace with another tooth. Generally, they intend to shed their fangs because it is the way to keep its sharpness.

Another odd and deceptive trait of snake is the function of its tongue. Like any other creatures, tongue is functioned most of the time for tasting or something that relates to its nourishment but snake is different. The flicking tongue is used to smell and to follow the prey until it is dead and can be eaten already.

Indeed it is a wonder how can snakes swallow their prey in one piece? Usually their victim’s size is bigger than their head but still they can swallow it without breaking into many pieces. Human being’s jaws are made of bones and attached to our skull. Thus, it limits the flexibility. Unlike with snake, it is consist of tendons, ligaments and muscles hence allowing mobility.

They soak their victims in their saliva before swallowing it. Once it reaches the esophagus, it has muscles that continuously smash the victim into small portions until it reaches the digestive track which it is broken down further.

Snake fangs are really dangerous and no way that its poison level should be ever taken for granted. So when you are in areas conducive to such creatures, be very careful.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

A Good Rabbit Diet: What Every Rabbit Owner Should Know

One of the cutest mammals on earth is the rabbit. Many people, especially kids, have rabbits as their pet. Rabbits are herbivores which mean they only eat leafy vegetables as one of their main source of food. But the most important nutrient that a rabbit needs is water. 

Clean water should be available at all times in their cage or food dish to keep their digestive system on process. It’s one of the most important things on a rabbit diet. Clean water isn’t only for the rabbit’s consumption but also for it to poop in or fuddle in. Check their water twice a day and change it if there are any signs of contamination. 

Avoid giving them foods and treats that are high in sugar and starch since it may cause your rabbit an imbalance especially with their sugar level. Giving them treats is permissible once in a while. You can give it as a reward but sparingly. It helps build a trusting relationship between the rabbit and the owner. Never lose track when it comes to handing out treats to a rabbit because it can damage the rabbit diet system. 

When it comes to rations, rabbits should always be fed in small amounts. Small, frequent feedings are best for a rabbit. You can also feed your rabbit with fresh fruit as an alternative to commercialized pellet. This can be a good alternative to treats and it’s healthier, too. 

Providing a pet rabbit with good grass or hay is also good for their system. A good rabbit diet is always composed of fiber which you can get from hay or grass. Avoid giving pet rabbits with pellets mixed with seed, nuts or any colored pieces. For rabbits, it is equivalent to junk foods and is not good for their health. In fact, it can only cause them serious illnesses. 

It is also important to feed your rabbit a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables every day to keep their nutritional needs on track and always wash those fruits and vegetables before feeding it to your rabbit. This is to avoid spreading any viruses that may have contaminated your pet’s food. 

Rabbits are also crepuscular; they are more active during dusk and dawn. Some people tend to feed their rabbits during those times to see how active they are and to make sure that they are healthy. 

In a rabbit’s diet, do not feed them with huge amount of foods. Always bear in mind to give your rabbits what they need according to their size and age. The smaller the rabbit is, the smaller the amount of food that should be given. 

All of these simple tips should be followed in order for you to not alter your rabbit diet proportions and give your rabbit a good health and allow them to live longer. 

When it comes to feeding your rabbit, do what you would do when feeding a human. Make sure the food is clean, the food is good, and feed them with food that makes them healthy. Do not also forget to make your rabbit exercise. Exercise is always part of a diet, both for the owner and the pet. 

When you follow these guidelines in taking care of your pet rabbit, you will have a healthy and happy pet.